Friday, February 19, 2010


1. Decide to Learn From Your Failures

It is absolute truth that without our failures, we would not progress. Ask yourself, what happened that created your setback? Use your experiences as valuable learning opportunities to assess your behavior, or the cause, and to evaluate a strategy that will eliminate that from your course.

Sometimes we are given feedback that shows us that a particular route isn't the right one. Sometimes we place our trust in the wrong source, or we fail to pay attention to the details that assure our progress. And we often sense it while it's occurring. Try to find the cause of your set-back, and assert to learn from and change it.

2. Let Go

Sometimes our failures can vault us into negative thinking.

Try to avoid this at all costs! It will do nothing but drain the energy from your ability to find a solution and move forward. If you are trying to forge down the wrong path, and it isn't working, look for an alternative route.

Some of the most successful people have developed the good habit of quickly turning their attention to other issues, rather than allow themselves to wallow in self-deprecating behavior or blame games.

Bottom line: Don't beat yourself up. Do what you can - and move on. You can always come back to the issue at a later time.

3. Do Something Nice for Yourself

Treat yourself like the hero that you are for reaching for your goals in the first place. Give yourself a healthy treat to acknowledge your courage.

This can change your frame of mind quickly. After all, you must treat yourself as a winner before anyone else can. Positive reinforcement is a proven method for behavioral modification, so go ahead and pat yourself on the back for trying.

4. Seek Trusted Council

If you feel confused by your set-back, or unclear as to the cause, ask for advice or feedback from a trusted source. None of us make it through this life alone, and in spite of our secular society, we all need each other to succeed.

If you have someone you trust whom you can seek out for “objective” feedback, do so. Most of us are flattered when asked for our opinions; we all like to feel needed. Its a sign of respect to approach another person and ask them what their take is on a situation.

Many unexpected pearls of wisdom can be gleaned in this manner. After all, it's hard to describe a wall when your nose is up against it. That's one of the many reasons why we need each other, and one of the many gifts we give as friends.

5. Practice Gratitude

It's an old method, tried and true.

We all have things to be grateful for, whether it's the love of family, good health, a cushion in the bank, even a well-running vehicle or a beautiful day. We can be grateful for food in the pantry, a faithful pet, even a refreshing breeze.

The simple fact is, the more we practice gratitude, the more positive our outlook becomes and the more positive our outlook is, the more the world responds to our presence and our goals. In fact, if you can manage it, try to be grateful for your set-backs, seeing them as valuable assets in your growth.

If that proves difficult, try to remember how often we review things from the past that we thought were setbacks, only to later realize they were blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Alhamdulillah.... senang menikmatinya... numpang belajar ya Ustaz... jazakumullah bi khoir...
